Gluten Friendly Peach Crumble Pie (V)(GF)


You didn't think we'd forget to make our Peach Crumble Pie gluten free, right? The delicious Peach Crumble is absolutely deserving of being made available for our gluten intolerant folks, as the juicy sweetness of the peach slices loaded into our handmade gluten free pie shell and topped with handmade gluten free crumble is an absolute must (especially during the summer!). 

Note: This whole pie requires min. 36 hours before pick-up at our Granville Island location. 

Baking & Warm Up Instructions:

•For Fresh Raw Crumble Pies : Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes and then at 375 degrees for another 40 minutes or until golden brown.

•For Frozen Raw Crumble Pies: Bake from Frozen, at 350 degrees for 50 minutes or until golden brown.

•For warming up a Crumble Pie: Bake at 250F degrees for 25 minutes or until the center of a pie is warm. 

Preserving Fresh Pies:

•Pies can be left in the box in a cool, dry place for up to 6 hours or refrigerated for up to three days.

•Pies wrapped in plastic wrap and foil inside a freezer bag can be frozen for up to two months.

•Crumble pies are best enjoyed the day of pick up. However, you can refrigerate cream pies for up to three days. 

•If you have an event that you are planning for, you can order the pies ahead of time and store them safely in your freezer. The pie can be baked as if freshly made.

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